There’s no doubt that being in debt is stressful. For many, mounting debt becomes overwhelming and fears and concerns about debt becomes a constant concern. In cases where an individual has sizable credit card debt, one’s financial situation can quickly get out of hand as high interest rates make it nearly impossible to get ahead and pay off debt.
A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Wisconsin Madison indicates that, for many people, debt and particularly credit card debt, increases symptoms of depression. For the study, researchers relied on information from roughly 8,500 U.S. adults that was collected via the National Survey of Families and Households.
Based on the survey’s results, those individuals more likely to be struggling with credit card debt were also more likely to be male, married, employed, educated and to earn a higher income and possess a fair amount of assets. For these individuals, despite their apparent success, reliance on credit cards may result from living beyond one’s means, medical bills or other household expenses.
Researchers noted that for this specific segment of the population, credit card debt was linked to increased symptoms of depression. Many hope that the results of this and other similar studies can help spur changes in lending practices and an increased focus on financial counseling.
Individuals who have credit card debt and who are struggling to pay even minimum payments may feel hopeless and overwhelmed. For these individuals, it’s important to know that there is a way out of debt and it’s wise to explore debt resolution options. An attorney who handles bankruptcy matters can evaluate an individual’s situation and help determine if bankruptcy is a good option.
Source: Psych Central, “Credit Card Debt Tied to Depression, ” Rick Nauert PhD, May 1, 2015