Most new clients are embarrassed to be in my office. Not only is that normal, it proves that those who file for bankruptcy are decent, hard-working people who are in the habit of paying their bills and are very uncomfortable about not being able to.
In my 43 years as a bankruptcy lawyer, I have realized that a typical client is someone who has been the victim of an event that they had little or no control over.
- Loss of a job
- Retirement
- Injury
- Illness
- An Accident
- Death of a family member
- Divorce
- Addiction problem for themselves or a family member
- Supporting adult children
In fact the U.S. Constitution specifically guarantees to right to file for bankruptcy (as opposed to throwing people in Debtor’s Prison, as they used to do in England!),
Bankruptcy is simply a tool to help people regain control of their own lives, and restore Balance and Happiness. Such a goal creates no reason for embarrassment.