Staten Island Attorneys For Mortgage Modification
Many ordinary middle-class homeowners have experienced life-changing events that they did not request or bring upon themselves. Typically, these include loss of overtime, loss of a primary job or secondary job and difficulty obtaining replacement sources of income.
Many people have now stabilized their income, but that income is lower than what it used to be. Many of their daily problems would be eliminated if they could only adjust their mortgage payments to be consistent with their current cash flow.
Our experienced attorneys know how to deal directly with the lenders to assist you in the mortgage modification process. If you have been submitting the same documents for years and are getting no results from your bank or mortgage servicer, please call for a consultation.
Contact Our New York City Lawyers For Help With Loan Modifications
You may be paying more on your home loan than you need to pay. We may be able to help you get a loan modification. Contact us online or call 718-691-1669 to schedule an appointment to discuss your situation.